Sunday, 23 January 2011

Hotel Saskia

Hotel Saskia will relocate in five months and a week. And those last five months and a week are going to be busy! This week alone three friends booked their fligths to London. Then there are a few placeholders, and some visits that were booked last year. So between my trips (Algarve, Guernsey and US) and these visits, free weekends are becoming scarce. Although I do really need my me-time, I am thrilled to have all these visitors. A whole weekend with friends gives such an extra dimension compared to dinner dates or running sessions used to meet up at home. It's proper quality time. I may leave my friends for an hour or so to exercise, but other than that, it's a lot of time spent in each others company. Chatting, eating, drinking, sightseeing. It's simple as that. When I am back in the Dam this summer, we won't have to pick up where we left it, as we never left it. It's good.