Saturday 9 May 2009


Last week had been a bit of an ego boost. A workfriend mentioned how she often hears the phrase 'we need a Saskia' when people are staffing projects and I received - out of the blue - an email from the commercial director of my previous employer stating I was "the one and only finance mgr @UD that knew what she was doing". I am not sure what to make of this man, but a compliment is a compliment. So I had a glass of wine. And another. And I got overconfident. And had another glass. With colleagues, at the wine bar down the road. On a brekkie of fruit and a bagel and a soup for lunch, this is asking for trouble. And despite knowing better, I said 'yes' when my director asked if I wanted to go for dinner with him and a Scottish director I worked with on a previous project. Friday morning at 4am I woke up. Wondering a) what I'd had for dinner, b) if I left when the other two did, c) if I owed anyone any money for the dinner and d) if I'd said or done anything embarassing, which is quite likely considering the state I was in. On four or five glasses of wine, would you believe it. My timing was immaculate - Friday morning the final moderation meeting took place... Ah well, I am not up for promotion and salaries have been frozen anyway. The funniest thing? This morning I had a text from a male colleague. Asking if I could tell him if he'd done anything embarassing. He had no recollection of the night, other than ending up 50 miles from where he lives (which is two hours south of London). At least I got home on the tube without any further probs!

*career limiting movement

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