Sunday 9 August 2009


Christchurch college
Originally uploaded by Gypsy Saskia
After a fair bit of rescheduling, Zoe and I finally managed to go to Oxford yesterday. Feeling a bit delicate after farewell drinks with work the night before, I managed to get up at 8am to get into Oxford for eleven. It was a lovely day, we were very lucky weatherwise. And it was truly enjoyable.

We sort of did a tour, and were told a lot about Oxford's history and famous ex students (Bill Clinton and Tony Blair amongst others). Hard to believe the uni was founded in the beginning of the 13th century - it's just so old (potential pub quiz answer: only Bologna and Paris were earlier).

The colleges are incredibly pretty, it must be amazing to study there. The one in the pic is Christchurch. I recognised it from Inspector Morse. The dining hall of Christchurch was used in the first Harry Potter film so it attracts loads and loads of tourists. Still nice to see.

We had a lovely lunch by the river, then headed back into town for some more sightseeing and lazing in the meads. My new camera and I still need to get to know each other. Having limited eye sight due to losing a contact last week and being a bit hungover meant I had my camera on auto all day. Small print manual has to wait till next weekend. Canterbury cricket ground is on the cards for then!

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