Sunday, 6 September 2009

And that was it

Originally uploaded by Gypsy Saskia
The last day of my hols. Boo. But I made the most of it. A lovely brekkie in Ballard was followed by a pedi and after lunch we headed outside Seattle for some wineries. Beautiful buttery chardy, soft cab sauv and other wines. Such a joy. We finished the day with some nice Mexican food and a bottle of the chardy at home on the couch with J&C's friends who'd been babysitting.

It's been an amazing few days here. Seattle is cool, and my friends are even cooler. It was five days of bakeries, catching up, getting to know my 2yo friend Ramona, eating great food and watching tennis. And eating loads of tomatoes from the farmer's markets we went to. I defo need to come back to this place. For the city, for the wines, for my friends, and to meet bub number two who will be born soon.

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