Tuesday, 20 December 2011


In about 48 hours I should touch down in Melbs. Fingers crossed I won't have a 60 hour delay like last time. I cannot wait to catch up with my dear friends, spend Christmas in my mate's pub, spend a few days in the G and drink loads of fantastic coffee. Oh, and sun. Sun is good. Woohoo!


Eva said...

The cappuccino looks amazing. I love these foam pictures. It´s always good to be home, isn´t it? xo Eve.h

hope in high heels said...

Hope you had a lovely Christmas! Please have a coffee from the Sensory Lab on little collins for me... the coffee situation in Perth has improved greatly but still not up to Melbourne standards!


Saskia said...

How weird HiHH! Fancied a coffee, checked blog to see where you'd recommended, only to discover I stood right in front of it. Nice!