Wednesday 14 October 2009

Cape Town update

Camps Bay lunch
Originally uploaded by Gypsy Saskia
Time for an update. Between sleeping, working and eating, there is very little time for anything else. Not that we work ridiculous hours, 10 a day on average, but eating out every day is a time consuming activity. Waistline would be at serious risk if it weren't for all the seafood here. I pretty much eat it every night, staying clear of pasta's, chips and steaks and the likes. Southafricans don't seem keen on their veg, but the Kauai (a health food chain) on client's site does good salads to contribute to our five a day. Hopefully it won't be long until we can move into our apartments (key requests: NO sharing, internet and gym or pool) and can start cooking healthy meals ourselves.

European team is still great. We get along really well, which is pretty key when spending so much time together! We share meals, spa visits and frustrations after hours and buy each other lunch and coffees during the day. The floor we have at the client is huge and old but functional. One of the meeting rooms is our control centre. Two walls have been turned into massive grids of months and work flows and post it notes in all colours specify what team is doing what and when. Our morning prayers are held there too, just to make sure we will never lose sight of our deliverables! For relo's who worry I have gone all religous within a week: morning prayers are 30 minute team catch ups where we share issues and tasks of the day to be able to supplement each other as much as possible.

Friday a week I will fly back to old blighty for a week, before heading back to Cape Town. Three weeks later, I will do that again. Two twelve hour flights a month. That's a lot of airmiles!

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