Wednesday 9 July 2008

Miles and miles and miles

Fifteen minutes to the tube. Standing in the tube. Half a marathon in the tube stations when changing lines. Five minutes to the office. And all that twice a day. No big deal as such, were it not for the fact that I do this on heels. And I am a sneaker and flipflop girl, who partly converted to ballerina's when they became fashionable. Heels are fab when you drive your car to work, drive your car to the client, and drive your car back home. Or when you cycle to a bar, sit on a bar stool the whole night, and cycle home. Heels are awful when you do this marathon plus 40 minutes every day. Blisters everywhere, skin is not where it should be and my feet hurt like hell. Welcome to London.

Now I could do what many London women do, and wear sneakers, flipflops or flats to work and change into heels there. But that looks silly. And I decided to become all elegant now that I am here and looking silly is not part of the game plan. So I grind my teeth and go on with it. Poor stupid Dutch feet!!

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